We're Home!

Wow! This has been quite the week. We went into the hospital on Sunday night to start the induction process and at 8:15 on Monday evening Katie joined us via C-Section. It was not necessarily what we had planned, but the end result was the same. Our beautiful little girl made it into the world safely. Unfortunately Daddy D and I neither one got to hear Katie's very first cry. When they took me in for the C-Section the medicine did not work properly and the ended up having to put me under completely and because of that D could not be in the room for the birth. It was medically necessary though and according to the nurse she came out "angry". That makes me a little sad that D and I won't have that memory, but we have had plenty of cries since.

It has been the greatest joy to get to have her here with us even with the 3 am feedings and diaper changes at all hours of the day and night. She is quite pleasant most of the time and fusses very little. She loves to be snuggled with and has the prefect little spot of the top of her head for kisses. She is a good eater and is already up to 2 ounces per feeding. Which are today about 3 to 4 hours apart rather than the 1 to 2 hours apart that they were yesterday.
D and I tag teamed the feeding and diaper changes last night and were both able to get a pretty good amount of sleep. Hopefully it will get even smoother over the next several days and we won't even remember the first few nights where neither one of us slept at all.
D is doing most everything right now during the day so he can spend as much time with her as possible before having to go back to work next week. He is, of course, the best daddy a little girl could ever want and is very attentive and loving. Several times I have walked into the room and they are talking or snuggling. It is the cutest thing. I know it will be really hard for him to go back to work, but I will make sure he gets to spend his evenings with her having fun and bonding. They are really cute together.

We are having lots of fun watching Katie sleep and watching all of the cute and funny faces she makes as she dreams. She smiles alot and shakes her hands in the air when she gets mad. She's just perfect in every way and I am not just saying that because I am her mom. Everyone says it. :)

She weighed 7lb 13oz and 20.5 inches at birth and when we left the hospital on Wednesday evening she weighed 7lb 6oz. We went for our first check up yesterday and we were back up to 7lb 8.5oz so we are getting back to our birth weight pretty quickly which is a really good sign. The dr would like for her to be back at her birth weight by her two week appointment on the 30th. I really don't think that is going to be a problem after watching her feeding habits. I attached a few photos for everyone to see how adorable she is and will try to update and add more pictures again in a day or two.

Love to all,
Daniel, Kelly, and Baby Katie

The Dream

OK! So a few people have been telling me they have been having dreams about Katie's arrival and they are pretty normal or at least seem like thinks that could happen. Like Leah telling me that she keeps having dreams about Katie being born and then by the end of her dream she is already a toddler. Or Kristin J told me that she had a dream last night that I called her to bring me my Junior League Waco cookbook at the hospital because I forgot it and wanted to read it during delivery. Those two were just a few examples of the semi-normal dreams people have been having, but I think I had the one that takes the cake last night!

So here it goes. (Editors Note-Please remember I have had a major increase in hormones, weight, and stress; just to name a few, over the last 9 months so the build up at this point must be tremendous.)

I had a dream that I had the baby, it was a boy that was looked like Chesley Latelys sidekick Chuy and was covered in hair like a Ferrel hog. He weighed like 40 lbs and they dressed him in baggy black jean shorts with gold trim and an over sized white t shirt with gold foil writing. I swear he had just come out of a rap video. And of all thing the only thing I kept on saying to D was that I was concerned because everything we had was pink!!!! That's when I woke up.

There was actually more to this dream, but I don't remember all of the details fully so I just gave you the major highlights. Plus I figured by now you are already laughing so hard that you have had to get up and run the restroom so you wouldn't wet yourself.

I told D about it this morning and he told me to get off the crack. (Editors Note-no actual crack was or will be consumed by me during this pregnancy nor before. And as far as I am concerned never will be after.) I am kind of scared now though because this was the first dream I have had about the baby. Hopefully tonight things will be more normal. I better have this baby girl before I drive myself crazy with dreams. Just had to share today.

Love to all,


Our Final Dr Appointment - Just as exciting as the First!

Well, we went for our last Dr. Appointment before Katie’s arrival this morning and almost thought that Katie would be joining us sooner rather than later. Our Dr is out of town on vacation for Spring Break and this morning during our routine testing Katie had a fluctuation in her heart rate that concerned the midwife on staff. They tried several little tricks to make her react, but she just wasn’t having it so they sent us over to the hospital for monitoring. Daddy D was home from work today so he went with us and boy am I glad he was there. For a few minutes I kind of freaked out in my head thinking of all of the things I think have to be done before she gets here, but as always D stayed level headed and helped me get through it and realize there was nothing I could do except wait to see what they said at the hospital. Once we got to the hospital and got hooked up to all of the monitors and I had been poked and prodded on for about an hour, they said everything was fine and that I could go on about my day and to come back if I started having any weird symptoms as they described in the 10 pages of paperwork they sent us home with. I called the Dr. office to make sure I could go on in to work and they told me that was fine as long as I felt up to it. I also confirmed all of the induction information with them once we knew we weren’t going to be staying with them today.

We will be induced on Monday, March 16th around 5 am. I will go in on the 15th for some testing and to be monitored overnight before they start administering the drugs on Monday morning. It is not a fast process so there is to telling how long it will take. There is no need for anyone to come wait at the hospital and I promise we will let everyone know once she has arrived. Since we don’t know how long it will take or when we will be up to visitors please call someone before you come up to the hospital. We would hate for you to make the trip just to find out that we are not seeing anyone at the time. We do want to share this joyous time with everyone, but might be better suited for home once we are in more comfortable surroundings. If you just can’t wait please make sure and call either D’s mom, my mom or my sister to get information as D and I probably will not have our phones available to us or may not be listening for them if we are resting.

We are so excited and can’t wait to meet our precious little girl. We will be sure to share her with everyone as soon as possible as we know you all want to meet her too. Thanks to everyone for their prayers, love, and support over these last 9 months and please continue to pray for us as we make finally preparations for Katie’s birth.

Love to all,
Daniel, Kelly, and Baby Katie

Meals After Baby Katie's Arrival

Our friend Carey set this up for us. I thought I would post it so anyone interested could sign up if they wanted. Can't wait for you to meet Katie!

the following is the information you will need to bring the bogards a meal during baby katies newborn time. Thank you so much for being apart of their life and supporting them during this time. let me know if you have any questions. carey

The HELPER logon is used by family and friends that would like to sign-up to help a loved one.To access Kelly and Daniel Bogard's personal CareCalendar site, visit http://www.carecalendar.org/logon/12416 and enter the following information in the appropriate spaces: CALENDAR ID : 12416 SECURITY CODE : 1624

March 2, 2009 - And We Wait...

We went to the Dr for another check this morning and everything is going well. Katie’s breathing has really improved and she is looking great. She did her wiggles and moves like a little lady this morning and didn’t fuss much. I’m not sure but I think it may be because she doesn’t have as much room to throw a fit anymore. Doc says there is still no change with me. I am not dilated at all and even though she has started to drop she still has a ways to go. He will be out of the office on vaca next week so we will see a partner next time and hopefully she will have really moved into position. However, it has been decided that if we haven’t delivered by the 16th then we will try induction on the 16th. So she will be meeting us at least one week early. Daddy D and I just really hope she isn’t too big at that point. Dr. says that we still have a 50/50 chance of a C-Section because of her size. We didn’t measure today, but she measured about 2 ½ weeks ahead last week. :) Sorry Aunt Laci doesn’t look like she is coming on your birthday after all.

In other news, we did make it to the child birthing class over the weekend and learned all about the fun exciting parts of labor and deliver! Holy moly I had no idea that it could take a whole day to learn all that stuff. We did learn a few things, but most we had already learned from talking with friends or reading books. It is good that we know where to go should we go into labor on our own rather than being induced. Even though it looks like the latter is going to be the way it happens for us. And of course we had the one dork dad in the class that thought his comfort was more important than mom’s and asked a whole bunch of self centered questions about closet space and blankets… D was not happy with this guy by the end of the day. Good thing is that we are done and that we are preregistered to make thing easier when the day gets here.

We also were treated to wonderful shower provided by the ladies at our church this weekend. It was so nice and we loved getting to see and spend time with all of the ladies. I was amazed at how many people were there! It was crazy and very tiring for me so D’s mom, my mom and dad, and aunt Laci came over afterwards to help put everything away so I could just relax. Thanks again to all who were at the shower and the ladies who put it all together. It was fabulous. Daddy D really got the bug this weekend too and got the Car Seat in the car and ready to go for Katie's arrival. He's going to be an awesome daddy.

Well, I better get back to it. I officially told the office that Friday the 13th would be my last day before I go out on leave and I think that may cause some stress over the next several days. I need to start putting our fires that haven’t even been lit yet. We’ll keep you posted should anything change!

Love to all,
Daniel, Kelly, and Baby Katie

February 24, 2009 - Looks Like We are Getting Close

Well, another Dr. appointment down and maybe only one or two to go. We went to the Dr. yesterday and found out that baby Katie is well on her way to being at least an 8 if not 9 pound baby. We started off with our normal ultrasound to do our stretching and movements for the Dr. At which point the first thing we did was flip Daddy D the bird. I don’t know if it was because she was cranky for being woke up or if she was made that he hadn’t been there to see her do her stretching before but she was not happy. She quickly got past that though and began by showing us what a good breather she has become before trying to punch and kick a hole through my belly. Needless to say we passed our tests with flying colors.

Then on to the heart monitor. She was very cooperative and let them hook up right away. For those of you unfamiliar with this, they take a plastic disk with monitoring equipment on my belly and are able to hear her heart beat and monitor it for any fluctuations. Normally we would stay on this machine for about 20 minutes, but yesterday we were showing off for daddy and decided to kick it off and do more acrobatics about 10 minutes in. Show off!

Of course the rest of the appointment was just as exciting when the Dr. told us that she was measuring at 39 weeks even though we are only 36 weeks. Both her head and abdomen are measuring in the 95 percentile and the dreaded C word was actually mentioned. I would really rather not have a C-section so we were told to think about it and we will reevaluate on Monday the 2nd. Sunday I will be 37 weeks and considered full term so pending some discussions between me and Daddy D we may decide to talk induction rather than c-section. At least that is what I am hoping for.

Good thing is everything is ready. Daddy D even got us a new car last weekend! We had been talking about trading in the Tahoe and trying to lower our payment and our carbon footprint and managed to do a bit of both by going with the new Chevy Traverse. It is the same size as the Tahoe on the interior and gets much better gas mileage. Plus we were able to lower the payment by a few dollars and get free maintenance for 3 years. Probably the best deal we could have gotten for now so we jumped at it. Now we just need to put in the car seat and we are good to go. We also picked out her coming home outfit this weekend and have it hanging in the doorway ready to go. I guess I need to pack a bag this week as well. Grandma Betty did call to make sure I had thought about PJ’s for the hospital and I assured her I would not be wearing any of my old ratty t-shirts that I actually had a new pair ready to go.

Well, I better get back to it. I am already starting a new list of things to get done in my head. We will keep you posted as much as possible in these next few weeks. I have a feeling she will be here before we know it.

Love to all,
Daniel, Kelly, and Baby Katie

February 16, 2009 - Another Week Gone

Wow! Where has the time gone. It feels like we just found out we were pregnant a few months ago and now we are less than a month away from welcoming Katie into our lives. I am sure you are all as anxious to meet her as Daddy D and I are.

We had a good check today and everything is going great. Katie was very cooperative for all of her tests this morning and passed with flying colors. She showed us her breathing skills right away and squirmed her way around my belly like she had practiced her routine to show us this morning. As you can see by the pic next to this post she did get a bit cranky at one point. I guess she does have my temper because she looks really unhappy. But as you can see from the picture above taken a few minutes later, she got over it pretty quickly.

I finally finished washing most of her clothes and put them away this evening. Just in time for my work shower on Friday! Then I am sure I will have more to do. It didn't seem like alot when it went into the wash, but I was amazed at how long it took to folder everything up. We knew her clothes were small but I had no idea that you could fit 500 onesies into one load of clothes (Just Joking it was probably more like 100) but it felt like a ton more as I folded them.

I am doing pretty good. I have developed carpal tunnel in my right hand do to fluid build up, but Dr. says nothing to worry about it will go away after Katie arrives. I have also had a bit of trouble breathing the last week or so, but Dr. seems to think that is ok right now too. He checked my breathing closely this morning and suspects it is just that she is fighting with my diaphragm for space and she is winning some of the time. We will continue to watch it closely over the next few weeks though. He did check for dilation today, but said everything was normal and that she was still up by my tonsils, so no fear of anything happening this week. We will just keep cooking for a little while longer.

Well, she is telling me it is time to eat again so I better work on dinner. Thanks to all for your thoughts and prayers. We have a wonderful group of family and friends and really appreciate all of the support. We'll try to update you again next week.

Love, Daniel, Kelly, and Baby Katie

February 11, 2009 - She's a Dancing Machine

I do not know where our child got the moves, but she will either be a very gifted dancer or will be a horrible dancer that loves to dance. I’m hoping for the earlier of the two. She moves pretty much non stop from noon to midnight with a few bursts of excitement through out the day as well. We have all had a lot of fun watching her dance through my shirt as she is big enough to really get my belly moving now.
Dana and Leah even got to share in the fun when they came in for my shower this weekend. BTW…a special thanks to all of you ladies that were able to attend. It was a great time getting to see everyone and share my big belly with you all. Daddy D was sure impressed with all of the cute things that Katie got and how much stuff there really is for babies.
Daddy D was quite busy this weekend and finished putting together the rest of the furniture and getting it into Katie’s room. We have a few final touches and her room will be complete. Now it is time to start washing all of the clothes. I sat in Katie’s room while D worked on the furniture and took tags off of clothes. So that is done, but by the time I got to the point where I had enough to wash I was too tired. Hopefully I can get them done over the weekend so they can be folded and put away.
I have been trying to slow down more lately and spend more time at home with my feet up, but that won’t be the case this week. I have several obligations left for JL this year that I need to get squared away before Katie gets here and I have been pre-placed for Deck the Halls Gift Market for 2009 so I am starting work on that now as well. In addition, I have been working on all of my stuff for Zoobilee to try to get that taken care of before my due date as well. I have no idea how I do all of these things, I just keep going until I can’t go anymore. I know I will have to slow down when I become a mommy so I am trying to get it all in while I still have a chance. No worries though. I am taking it easy when needed and rest when she tells me it is time to rest.
The Dr. says I am still good to go for now and will start checking me in a week or two for dilation. I don’t think they will let me go past my due date as they estimated her weight a few weeks ago at a little over 5 lbs. Typically they gain about a ½ lb a week right now so she is probably closer to 6 lbs by now. I think she will be over 8 lbs when all is said and done. Dang that’s going to hurt! But I know the bigger she is the healthier she will be and that is what we want. That’s all for now, but I will keep you posted on our progress as we get closer. I can’t wait for everyone to meet her. Love, Kelly, Daniel and baby Katie!

January 22, 2009 - Nesting

Well we have officially started nesting. We finished getting everything out of the nursery over the weekend so it can become an actual nursery. And Daddy D accomplished a ton of honey-do's over the weekend as well. He is on call this weekend so I think he was beginning to feel the crunch. The carpet cleaner is coming on Saturday and after that we will me ready to move in the furniture. Special thanks to D for taking care of getting that set up as well so I didn't have to try to find a spare moment to make that happen.

I talked to my mom earlier this week and I think she is spending a good portion of her vacation working on things for Katie as well. She said she had been cutting out pieces for the bedding! I can't wait to see how it turns out. NO pressure mom! :)

Everything seems to be falling into place. Things are still going well with me. I have stay puff marshmallow feet by the end of most days, but they go down over night. Katie has learned that the best time to exercise is about 1 AM as she has woken me up most ever night for the past week with a new routine. I also think it is possible that I may have gained back that 2 pounds I lost last time I went to the Dr. as I am all of the sudden hungry ALL of the time. Still no crazy cravings although french fries dipped in Wendy's Frosty are very good.

In other news, Cooper has been released from his pen and now spends the night in the bedroom with us. He hasn't quite got the hang of sleeping through the night without a lick or two to D's face, but he is a good snuggler when D has to be gone. Now we get up about 5 AM to go outside and the barking at the dark outside has stopped for the most part too. Our horse is becoming a man! I am so proud. D is talking to him about a saddle so Katie can ride him around the back yard when she gets big enough.

Well that's enough for now. I have Dr. appointment on Monday morning and will let you know if anything major comes of it.

Love to all,

Daniel, Kelly, and Kaitlyn

January 14, 2009 - Dr Appointment

Hi to all,

Just thought we would give you a quick update. We went to the Dr. Monday and everything seems to be running smoothly. Katie's heart rate was 150 today and some how I actually managed to lose 2 pounds. We go back in a few weeks for what I think will be our last ultrasound, but who knows with the amount that we have had through the course of the pregnancy.

I am now considered higher risk because we had so much trouble conceiving and because of my chronic hypertension so after our visit in 2 weeks we will be going back in once a week to be measured and monitored to make sure everything is continuing to progress normally. We are not worried though as we thought we would be high risk through the whole pregnancy so we were kind of prepared when the Dr said he wanted to monitor things closer as we get closer to Katie's arrival. We still expect to meet her around March 22nd.

Daddy got to really feel Katie move over the weekend. Not just her normal Karate kick to my belly button, but actually moving from one side of my belly to the other. I think it kind of freaked him out at first because he looked at me and told me she was like a whale. It is a pretty cool feeling and I am glad he was able to feel it. She has been very active and I am having trouble sleeping more because of her moving and stretching. I thought I would be use to it by now, but I guess since she is getting bigger there is less room for her to move so the feeling is more intense.

Well we have started on Katie's room. We cleaned out the office over the weekend to make room for the guest bed and will probably try to get that moved this next weekend. Our parents have been very generous and have bought all of the furniture for Katie's room. My parent's bought the bed and changer and D's mom got the mattress and Armoire for her. Thanks again to you all for helping us with this so she didn't have to come home to sleep in a shoe box or something. ;) I will try to put some pics on the blog once it is done, but you know how we are at our house. Sometimes it takes a while. We will have the bed for sure by the time she gets home, but all of the furniture is on order so we may not have all of the pieces by her due date.

We have several showers in the works too thanks to some wonderful people. My sister, Aunt Laci, has been working on a shower in February with two of my dearest friends, Leah and Dana, and a few special helpers that shall remain nameless since Dana and Leah both live out of town. And I just found out that I will be having one put on by our church in March. In addition, I got news yesterday that the girl's at my office are planning one too. I think Katie is going to be so spoiled! Thanks to all of those involved for being so generous with your time and for your support of our growing family. We feel truly blessed to be able to bring Katie into a world feeling with such wonderful people.

Well, we better say bye for now. It is breakfast time and Katie gets a bit cranky when we don't eat our oatmeal on time. See you all soon. Thanks again for being such a great support for our growing family.

Daniel, Kelly, and Kaitlyn

December 22, 2008 - Dr Appointment

Hello all,

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas holiday. I know we did. We had a Dr. appointment last Monday and baby Katie gave us a great Christmas Gift. She finally let us see her little face. Everything is going well and she is, according to the doctor, about 2 and 1/2 pounds. I still have puffy feet, but the Dr. says that is normal and gave me a few ideas for how to keep the swelling down. I am not sure I like them though. One of the ideas is to cut out carbs, which I know I can do, but not sure I want to give up my sweet snack every few days. I will figure something out though.

I think the whole family is starting to get excited about Katie joining us soon. I think she got more stuff for Christmas than anyone else, which is totally fine with D and me as it means one less thing for us to worry about, other than her being spoiled even before she gets here. Oh well, we will try to keep her grounded. It just makes us so happy to know how loved she already is. Even the cat and dogs are sensing Katie's coming is near. Birdie, the cat,sleeps next to her in my tummy most every night. Occasionally she will mistake D's belly for mine, but not very often and seems to be getting less and less as my belly grows. And Maggie, our black lab, puts her nose to my belly everyday when I let her in. She is very sweet and sometimes even licks the front of my shirt like she is giving Katie kisses. Cooper, our chocolate lab, the big horse he is still hasn't quite gotten the idea that anything is different but can sense that something is happening. AS long as he continues to get fed twice a day and belly rubs every night, I am not sure he will even notice Katie being there. ;)

All systems are go with the nursery now. We were holding off until after Christmas to work on anything related to the nursery so I guess it is time to get busy. The material for the bedding has been picked out and ordered and hopefully we can start working on it by the middle to end of January. No bed to speak of yet, but we are waiting on some of the New Years sales to see if we can get a better price. Since we won't need it for another few months I think we will still have enough time to get everything together.

Finally, we want to wish everyone a blessed new year and to let you know how much each one of you means to us. We feel so fortunate to have such wonderful family and friends to share this special time with us. Thank you for being there to share in our joy. We can't wait for you to meet our precious little girl.

Love to all,

Daniel, Kelly, and Kaitlyn

November 24, 2008 - She has a name!

Hi all,

Just thought we would give you a quick update on how things are going with Baby Girl Bogard. We have decided on a name and our beautiful little girl will be Kaitlyn Elizabeth Bogard. Daddy D says it is OK to call her Katie, but that her first deer will have a plaque saying Kaitlyn's First Deer. We thought it would be good for her to have a name that would grow with her so she can be Katie while she's little and once she is old enough to decide she can be Kaitlyn if she prefers. That way she gets to have the cutesy little girl name and can grow up to have a more sophisticated name as well.

We had another Dr appointment yesterday and she is still a bit camera shy. She gave us good picture of her playing peek-a-boo and of her sucking her thumb. Attached is the latter. We still didn't get a good full frontal view of her face so we will try again next month. It is routine for the Dr to want a full face view so they can know in advance about any problems as she develops. We have been assured that there is nothing wrong, just a procedural picture so we will keep trying until she cooperates. She is doing great and developing right on track. I am doing good as well. Still no sickness to speak of, but I have developed stay puff marshmallow feet. Many of my friends have told me that this is my payback for not having morning sickness, but the Dr says it is perfectly normal and they will continue to monitor things to make sure there are no problems. Everything looks very normal right now though, with the exception of the sight of my feet which could be used as a double in a remake if the ghostbusters movie. NO really they have gotten much better over the last few days and are almost back to being the skinniest part of my body. :)

Daddy D and I are starting to nest some. He has been home more working on getting things finished around the house. Little projects that we have been putting off and bigger ones that we have not taken the time to complete. We are planning on going to register for stuff for Katie the weekend after Thanksgiving. Crazy I know, but I hate to keep him away from the deer lease any longer than necessary. Hopefully we can get everything taken care of in one day, because I know he would rather be out doing other things.

Well, I guess that is all for now. Thanks to all of our friends and family for all of their support over the last several months. It is a crazy ride but we are loving every minute of it. We can't wait to share our blessing with you. Just a few short months and she will be joining us!

Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours!


Kelly, Daniel, and Katie

October 27 ,2008 - Baby Bogard -- It's a...


I guess we have held you all in suspence enough. We had our appointment this morning to determine sex and we found out the our precious little one will have to go by Baby GIRL Bogard for the next little bit until we pick a name. Everything looks good, but the little stinker is camera shy and once we found out she was a girl she wouldn't let us take any pictures of her face. I guess she is hard headed about pictures like her momma. Daddy D seems to be handling it pretty good and has already started talking about all of the pink stuff that the make for little girl's who hunt. I keep telling him that girl's can probably hunt better than boys anyway because they are more patient. We will try again next month to get some good pictures and will keep you all posted on how we are doing as we get closer to meeting our little girl. And Daddy D has already decided that we can try again next time for that boy and I think we are both just fine with that.

Love to all,

Kelly, Daniel and Baby GIRL Bogard

October 22, 2008 - I feel you Peanut

I am so sorry it has been so long. I had no idea how long I waited to send an update to everyone.

Things are good, but crazy. I thought I was suppose to have more energy but I don't feel like I do. Maybe I have just added more things and that is what is making me tired. I am starting to look quite fluffy and started to really show during the cruise. I have a feeling I will be huge by Christmas and I will still have a few months to go. :) By the way, do not expect ot see pictures of my belly. I am big enough as it is and do not need the electronic reminder of how big I am getting. In other words, I do not plan on taking the weekly pic because I just don't want to. (Sorry just me being cranky. Now you see what D gets to put up with. LOL)

Peanut is kicking and moving up a storm. I have been feeling a kick or two several times a day for the past few weeks, but last night he/she did their first gymnastic routine in my belly which was quite funny. Daddy D still can't feel Peanut move but is getting very excited about when he can. He has started reading the section of his daddy book about things that will stimulate peanut while he/she is still inside me, like music and light. I am just waiting for the day that he tries to strap a walkman to my belly.

We go on Monday for our ultrasound to find out if peanut is a he or a she. D is playing it cool, but I can tell he is excited about it even though he swears it is a boy and the only reason we have to do this is so I will quit bugging him to think about girl names. So I guess we will find out on Monday if is will be Landon Richard Bogard or Baby Girl Bogard. I will send everyone an email sometime on Monday to let you know.

Love to all,

Kelly, Daniel, and Peanut

August 14, 2008 - CONFIRMED! only 1 Peanut

Good Morning all,

Just thought I would send you a quick update. We are almost 9 weeks along and went to see our new Dr. today. I think I left half of me there with all of the testing and blood work, but I have managed to gain 1 1/2 pounds in 3 weeks. I don't know if this is good or not, but I figure it is better than losing it right now. (OK so this is the only time in my life you will hear me be excited about gaining weight) :)

Peanut is about 4 times the size he/she was a few weeks ago and Dr. Moore confirmed this morning that there is only 1 peanut. He looked at me kind of funny when I explained our history of trying to get pregnant and wanted to make sure again. Peanut looks more like a baby today and is doing great. He/She is also full of energy and even jumped on the ultrasound this morning to say hi! It looked funny to see it, but not be able to feel it, but I know that will take a while. I didn't find out the heart rate today, but you could see it on the monitor going about a mile a minute. Dr. Moore says everything looks great and that we should get to meet Peanut on or around March 22nd. I know some of you will make bets on day, time, weight, length so go ahead an get started this baby is growing fast. Just remember all proceeds of betting should go to the Peanut Diaper Fund care of mommy and daddy B. ;)

We are planning a cruise in October so I asked the doctor about the questions that those going on the trip had. Here are the answers. Yes it is OK to get in any water that i want as long as my water has not broken or I am having any spotting. Also stay away from Hot Tubs (duhhh!). Also I can you a nausea patch if needed, in fact they use them for pg women who have dizziness and sever nausea alot already. So in other words, we are a go for the cruise!

Well, that all I have for now. We go back to the Dr. on September 8th so expect another update around that time. Talk to all of you soon.


Kelly, Daniel, and Peanut

August 1, 2008 - Baby Bogard on the way!

Good Morning All,

We had the opportunity to speak with a few of you yesterday, but couldn't possible get to everyone in one day, so we thought we would send you an email this morning with all of the wonderful news we received from the Dr. yesterday. And to some of you this may be a complete surprize, but we promise it is a good one.


We seem to be off to a great start. Our little "Peanut" is 6.7 millimeters and has a good strong heart rate of 136 beats per minute. The Dr. confirmed yesterday that we are 6 weeks and 4 days +/- 4 days, so basically we are 7 weeks along.

We have quite a way to go, but we are doing so well we were released yesterday from the specialist in Temple to start seeing an OB in Waco. After talking with several people we decided last night on Dr. Moore with the Providence group and I was able to get an appointment with him on August 14th.

I am feeling great. I get tired pretty easy, but no real sickness to speak of. When I do feel sick it is usually at night, so I am telling people that I have night sickness instead of morning sickness. Leave it to a Bogard to make things difficult. ;) I am a huge fan of hot sauce and guacamole right now. In fact, we think there is a possibility we may end up with a Mexican Hat Dancer if I keep eating a solid diet of Mexican food. I only have a few aversions, cantaloupe, cilantro, and pizza sauce (which sucks because I love pizza).

Daddy D seems to be doing well too. He is a little stressed, but seems to be better now that we know we have one pea in our pod rather than the possible three we thought we might have. He is being absolutely wonderful and very supportive of the crazy preggo that lives with him. I couldn't have asked for a better husband or Daddy for our baby.

Thanks to all of you for all of your prayers and support. We are truly blessed to have such wonderful friends and family to support us during these exciting times. We will keep you updated with changes and can't wait for our "Peanut" to be here.


Kelly and Daniel