February 24, 2009 - Looks Like We are Getting Close

Well, another Dr. appointment down and maybe only one or two to go. We went to the Dr. yesterday and found out that baby Katie is well on her way to being at least an 8 if not 9 pound baby. We started off with our normal ultrasound to do our stretching and movements for the Dr. At which point the first thing we did was flip Daddy D the bird. I don’t know if it was because she was cranky for being woke up or if she was made that he hadn’t been there to see her do her stretching before but she was not happy. She quickly got past that though and began by showing us what a good breather she has become before trying to punch and kick a hole through my belly. Needless to say we passed our tests with flying colors.

Then on to the heart monitor. She was very cooperative and let them hook up right away. For those of you unfamiliar with this, they take a plastic disk with monitoring equipment on my belly and are able to hear her heart beat and monitor it for any fluctuations. Normally we would stay on this machine for about 20 minutes, but yesterday we were showing off for daddy and decided to kick it off and do more acrobatics about 10 minutes in. Show off!

Of course the rest of the appointment was just as exciting when the Dr. told us that she was measuring at 39 weeks even though we are only 36 weeks. Both her head and abdomen are measuring in the 95 percentile and the dreaded C word was actually mentioned. I would really rather not have a C-section so we were told to think about it and we will reevaluate on Monday the 2nd. Sunday I will be 37 weeks and considered full term so pending some discussions between me and Daddy D we may decide to talk induction rather than c-section. At least that is what I am hoping for.

Good thing is everything is ready. Daddy D even got us a new car last weekend! We had been talking about trading in the Tahoe and trying to lower our payment and our carbon footprint and managed to do a bit of both by going with the new Chevy Traverse. It is the same size as the Tahoe on the interior and gets much better gas mileage. Plus we were able to lower the payment by a few dollars and get free maintenance for 3 years. Probably the best deal we could have gotten for now so we jumped at it. Now we just need to put in the car seat and we are good to go. We also picked out her coming home outfit this weekend and have it hanging in the doorway ready to go. I guess I need to pack a bag this week as well. Grandma Betty did call to make sure I had thought about PJ’s for the hospital and I assured her I would not be wearing any of my old ratty t-shirts that I actually had a new pair ready to go.

Well, I better get back to it. I am already starting a new list of things to get done in my head. We will keep you posted as much as possible in these next few weeks. I have a feeling she will be here before we know it.

Love to all,
Daniel, Kelly, and Baby Katie

February 16, 2009 - Another Week Gone

Wow! Where has the time gone. It feels like we just found out we were pregnant a few months ago and now we are less than a month away from welcoming Katie into our lives. I am sure you are all as anxious to meet her as Daddy D and I are.

We had a good check today and everything is going great. Katie was very cooperative for all of her tests this morning and passed with flying colors. She showed us her breathing skills right away and squirmed her way around my belly like she had practiced her routine to show us this morning. As you can see by the pic next to this post she did get a bit cranky at one point. I guess she does have my temper because she looks really unhappy. But as you can see from the picture above taken a few minutes later, she got over it pretty quickly.

I finally finished washing most of her clothes and put them away this evening. Just in time for my work shower on Friday! Then I am sure I will have more to do. It didn't seem like alot when it went into the wash, but I was amazed at how long it took to folder everything up. We knew her clothes were small but I had no idea that you could fit 500 onesies into one load of clothes (Just Joking it was probably more like 100) but it felt like a ton more as I folded them.

I am doing pretty good. I have developed carpal tunnel in my right hand do to fluid build up, but Dr. says nothing to worry about it will go away after Katie arrives. I have also had a bit of trouble breathing the last week or so, but Dr. seems to think that is ok right now too. He checked my breathing closely this morning and suspects it is just that she is fighting with my diaphragm for space and she is winning some of the time. We will continue to watch it closely over the next few weeks though. He did check for dilation today, but said everything was normal and that she was still up by my tonsils, so no fear of anything happening this week. We will just keep cooking for a little while longer.

Well, she is telling me it is time to eat again so I better work on dinner. Thanks to all for your thoughts and prayers. We have a wonderful group of family and friends and really appreciate all of the support. We'll try to update you again next week.

Love, Daniel, Kelly, and Baby Katie

February 11, 2009 - She's a Dancing Machine

I do not know where our child got the moves, but she will either be a very gifted dancer or will be a horrible dancer that loves to dance. I’m hoping for the earlier of the two. She moves pretty much non stop from noon to midnight with a few bursts of excitement through out the day as well. We have all had a lot of fun watching her dance through my shirt as she is big enough to really get my belly moving now.
Dana and Leah even got to share in the fun when they came in for my shower this weekend. BTW…a special thanks to all of you ladies that were able to attend. It was a great time getting to see everyone and share my big belly with you all. Daddy D was sure impressed with all of the cute things that Katie got and how much stuff there really is for babies.
Daddy D was quite busy this weekend and finished putting together the rest of the furniture and getting it into Katie’s room. We have a few final touches and her room will be complete. Now it is time to start washing all of the clothes. I sat in Katie’s room while D worked on the furniture and took tags off of clothes. So that is done, but by the time I got to the point where I had enough to wash I was too tired. Hopefully I can get them done over the weekend so they can be folded and put away.
I have been trying to slow down more lately and spend more time at home with my feet up, but that won’t be the case this week. I have several obligations left for JL this year that I need to get squared away before Katie gets here and I have been pre-placed for Deck the Halls Gift Market for 2009 so I am starting work on that now as well. In addition, I have been working on all of my stuff for Zoobilee to try to get that taken care of before my due date as well. I have no idea how I do all of these things, I just keep going until I can’t go anymore. I know I will have to slow down when I become a mommy so I am trying to get it all in while I still have a chance. No worries though. I am taking it easy when needed and rest when she tells me it is time to rest.
The Dr. says I am still good to go for now and will start checking me in a week or two for dilation. I don’t think they will let me go past my due date as they estimated her weight a few weeks ago at a little over 5 lbs. Typically they gain about a ½ lb a week right now so she is probably closer to 6 lbs by now. I think she will be over 8 lbs when all is said and done. Dang that’s going to hurt! But I know the bigger she is the healthier she will be and that is what we want. That’s all for now, but I will keep you posted on our progress as we get closer. I can’t wait for everyone to meet her. Love, Kelly, Daniel and baby Katie!