March 2, 2009 - And We Wait...

We went to the Dr for another check this morning and everything is going well. Katie’s breathing has really improved and she is looking great. She did her wiggles and moves like a little lady this morning and didn’t fuss much. I’m not sure but I think it may be because she doesn’t have as much room to throw a fit anymore. Doc says there is still no change with me. I am not dilated at all and even though she has started to drop she still has a ways to go. He will be out of the office on vaca next week so we will see a partner next time and hopefully she will have really moved into position. However, it has been decided that if we haven’t delivered by the 16th then we will try induction on the 16th. So she will be meeting us at least one week early. Daddy D and I just really hope she isn’t too big at that point. Dr. says that we still have a 50/50 chance of a C-Section because of her size. We didn’t measure today, but she measured about 2 ½ weeks ahead last week. :) Sorry Aunt Laci doesn’t look like she is coming on your birthday after all.

In other news, we did make it to the child birthing class over the weekend and learned all about the fun exciting parts of labor and deliver! Holy moly I had no idea that it could take a whole day to learn all that stuff. We did learn a few things, but most we had already learned from talking with friends or reading books. It is good that we know where to go should we go into labor on our own rather than being induced. Even though it looks like the latter is going to be the way it happens for us. And of course we had the one dork dad in the class that thought his comfort was more important than mom’s and asked a whole bunch of self centered questions about closet space and blankets… D was not happy with this guy by the end of the day. Good thing is that we are done and that we are preregistered to make thing easier when the day gets here.

We also were treated to wonderful shower provided by the ladies at our church this weekend. It was so nice and we loved getting to see and spend time with all of the ladies. I was amazed at how many people were there! It was crazy and very tiring for me so D’s mom, my mom and dad, and aunt Laci came over afterwards to help put everything away so I could just relax. Thanks again to all who were at the shower and the ladies who put it all together. It was fabulous. Daddy D really got the bug this weekend too and got the Car Seat in the car and ready to go for Katie's arrival. He's going to be an awesome daddy.

Well, I better get back to it. I officially told the office that Friday the 13th would be my last day before I go out on leave and I think that may cause some stress over the next several days. I need to start putting our fires that haven’t even been lit yet. We’ll keep you posted should anything change!

Love to all,
Daniel, Kelly, and Baby Katie

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