We're Home!

Wow! This has been quite the week. We went into the hospital on Sunday night to start the induction process and at 8:15 on Monday evening Katie joined us via C-Section. It was not necessarily what we had planned, but the end result was the same. Our beautiful little girl made it into the world safely. Unfortunately Daddy D and I neither one got to hear Katie's very first cry. When they took me in for the C-Section the medicine did not work properly and the ended up having to put me under completely and because of that D could not be in the room for the birth. It was medically necessary though and according to the nurse she came out "angry". That makes me a little sad that D and I won't have that memory, but we have had plenty of cries since.

It has been the greatest joy to get to have her here with us even with the 3 am feedings and diaper changes at all hours of the day and night. She is quite pleasant most of the time and fusses very little. She loves to be snuggled with and has the prefect little spot of the top of her head for kisses. She is a good eater and is already up to 2 ounces per feeding. Which are today about 3 to 4 hours apart rather than the 1 to 2 hours apart that they were yesterday.
D and I tag teamed the feeding and diaper changes last night and were both able to get a pretty good amount of sleep. Hopefully it will get even smoother over the next several days and we won't even remember the first few nights where neither one of us slept at all.
D is doing most everything right now during the day so he can spend as much time with her as possible before having to go back to work next week. He is, of course, the best daddy a little girl could ever want and is very attentive and loving. Several times I have walked into the room and they are talking or snuggling. It is the cutest thing. I know it will be really hard for him to go back to work, but I will make sure he gets to spend his evenings with her having fun and bonding. They are really cute together.

We are having lots of fun watching Katie sleep and watching all of the cute and funny faces she makes as she dreams. She smiles alot and shakes her hands in the air when she gets mad. She's just perfect in every way and I am not just saying that because I am her mom. Everyone says it. :)

She weighed 7lb 13oz and 20.5 inches at birth and when we left the hospital on Wednesday evening she weighed 7lb 6oz. We went for our first check up yesterday and we were back up to 7lb 8.5oz so we are getting back to our birth weight pretty quickly which is a really good sign. The dr would like for her to be back at her birth weight by her two week appointment on the 30th. I really don't think that is going to be a problem after watching her feeding habits. I attached a few photos for everyone to see how adorable she is and will try to update and add more pictures again in a day or two.

Love to all,
Daniel, Kelly, and Baby Katie

The Dream

OK! So a few people have been telling me they have been having dreams about Katie's arrival and they are pretty normal or at least seem like thinks that could happen. Like Leah telling me that she keeps having dreams about Katie being born and then by the end of her dream she is already a toddler. Or Kristin J told me that she had a dream last night that I called her to bring me my Junior League Waco cookbook at the hospital because I forgot it and wanted to read it during delivery. Those two were just a few examples of the semi-normal dreams people have been having, but I think I had the one that takes the cake last night!

So here it goes. (Editors Note-Please remember I have had a major increase in hormones, weight, and stress; just to name a few, over the last 9 months so the build up at this point must be tremendous.)

I had a dream that I had the baby, it was a boy that was looked like Chesley Latelys sidekick Chuy and was covered in hair like a Ferrel hog. He weighed like 40 lbs and they dressed him in baggy black jean shorts with gold trim and an over sized white t shirt with gold foil writing. I swear he had just come out of a rap video. And of all thing the only thing I kept on saying to D was that I was concerned because everything we had was pink!!!! That's when I woke up.

There was actually more to this dream, but I don't remember all of the details fully so I just gave you the major highlights. Plus I figured by now you are already laughing so hard that you have had to get up and run the restroom so you wouldn't wet yourself.

I told D about it this morning and he told me to get off the crack. (Editors Note-no actual crack was or will be consumed by me during this pregnancy nor before. And as far as I am concerned never will be after.) I am kind of scared now though because this was the first dream I have had about the baby. Hopefully tonight things will be more normal. I better have this baby girl before I drive myself crazy with dreams. Just had to share today.

Love to all,


Our Final Dr Appointment - Just as exciting as the First!

Well, we went for our last Dr. Appointment before Katie’s arrival this morning and almost thought that Katie would be joining us sooner rather than later. Our Dr is out of town on vacation for Spring Break and this morning during our routine testing Katie had a fluctuation in her heart rate that concerned the midwife on staff. They tried several little tricks to make her react, but she just wasn’t having it so they sent us over to the hospital for monitoring. Daddy D was home from work today so he went with us and boy am I glad he was there. For a few minutes I kind of freaked out in my head thinking of all of the things I think have to be done before she gets here, but as always D stayed level headed and helped me get through it and realize there was nothing I could do except wait to see what they said at the hospital. Once we got to the hospital and got hooked up to all of the monitors and I had been poked and prodded on for about an hour, they said everything was fine and that I could go on about my day and to come back if I started having any weird symptoms as they described in the 10 pages of paperwork they sent us home with. I called the Dr. office to make sure I could go on in to work and they told me that was fine as long as I felt up to it. I also confirmed all of the induction information with them once we knew we weren’t going to be staying with them today.

We will be induced on Monday, March 16th around 5 am. I will go in on the 15th for some testing and to be monitored overnight before they start administering the drugs on Monday morning. It is not a fast process so there is to telling how long it will take. There is no need for anyone to come wait at the hospital and I promise we will let everyone know once she has arrived. Since we don’t know how long it will take or when we will be up to visitors please call someone before you come up to the hospital. We would hate for you to make the trip just to find out that we are not seeing anyone at the time. We do want to share this joyous time with everyone, but might be better suited for home once we are in more comfortable surroundings. If you just can’t wait please make sure and call either D’s mom, my mom or my sister to get information as D and I probably will not have our phones available to us or may not be listening for them if we are resting.

We are so excited and can’t wait to meet our precious little girl. We will be sure to share her with everyone as soon as possible as we know you all want to meet her too. Thanks to everyone for their prayers, love, and support over these last 9 months and please continue to pray for us as we make finally preparations for Katie’s birth.

Love to all,
Daniel, Kelly, and Baby Katie

Meals After Baby Katie's Arrival

Our friend Carey set this up for us. I thought I would post it so anyone interested could sign up if they wanted. Can't wait for you to meet Katie!

the following is the information you will need to bring the bogards a meal during baby katies newborn time. Thank you so much for being apart of their life and supporting them during this time. let me know if you have any questions. carey

The HELPER logon is used by family and friends that would like to sign-up to help a loved one.To access Kelly and Daniel Bogard's personal CareCalendar site, visit http://www.carecalendar.org/logon/12416 and enter the following information in the appropriate spaces: CALENDAR ID : 12416 SECURITY CODE : 1624

March 2, 2009 - And We Wait...

We went to the Dr for another check this morning and everything is going well. Katie’s breathing has really improved and she is looking great. She did her wiggles and moves like a little lady this morning and didn’t fuss much. I’m not sure but I think it may be because she doesn’t have as much room to throw a fit anymore. Doc says there is still no change with me. I am not dilated at all and even though she has started to drop she still has a ways to go. He will be out of the office on vaca next week so we will see a partner next time and hopefully she will have really moved into position. However, it has been decided that if we haven’t delivered by the 16th then we will try induction on the 16th. So she will be meeting us at least one week early. Daddy D and I just really hope she isn’t too big at that point. Dr. says that we still have a 50/50 chance of a C-Section because of her size. We didn’t measure today, but she measured about 2 ½ weeks ahead last week. :) Sorry Aunt Laci doesn’t look like she is coming on your birthday after all.

In other news, we did make it to the child birthing class over the weekend and learned all about the fun exciting parts of labor and deliver! Holy moly I had no idea that it could take a whole day to learn all that stuff. We did learn a few things, but most we had already learned from talking with friends or reading books. It is good that we know where to go should we go into labor on our own rather than being induced. Even though it looks like the latter is going to be the way it happens for us. And of course we had the one dork dad in the class that thought his comfort was more important than mom’s and asked a whole bunch of self centered questions about closet space and blankets… D was not happy with this guy by the end of the day. Good thing is that we are done and that we are preregistered to make thing easier when the day gets here.

We also were treated to wonderful shower provided by the ladies at our church this weekend. It was so nice and we loved getting to see and spend time with all of the ladies. I was amazed at how many people were there! It was crazy and very tiring for me so D’s mom, my mom and dad, and aunt Laci came over afterwards to help put everything away so I could just relax. Thanks again to all who were at the shower and the ladies who put it all together. It was fabulous. Daddy D really got the bug this weekend too and got the Car Seat in the car and ready to go for Katie's arrival. He's going to be an awesome daddy.

Well, I better get back to it. I officially told the office that Friday the 13th would be my last day before I go out on leave and I think that may cause some stress over the next several days. I need to start putting our fires that haven’t even been lit yet. We’ll keep you posted should anything change!

Love to all,
Daniel, Kelly, and Baby Katie