February 16, 2009 - Another Week Gone

Wow! Where has the time gone. It feels like we just found out we were pregnant a few months ago and now we are less than a month away from welcoming Katie into our lives. I am sure you are all as anxious to meet her as Daddy D and I are.

We had a good check today and everything is going great. Katie was very cooperative for all of her tests this morning and passed with flying colors. She showed us her breathing skills right away and squirmed her way around my belly like she had practiced her routine to show us this morning. As you can see by the pic next to this post she did get a bit cranky at one point. I guess she does have my temper because she looks really unhappy. But as you can see from the picture above taken a few minutes later, she got over it pretty quickly.

I finally finished washing most of her clothes and put them away this evening. Just in time for my work shower on Friday! Then I am sure I will have more to do. It didn't seem like alot when it went into the wash, but I was amazed at how long it took to folder everything up. We knew her clothes were small but I had no idea that you could fit 500 onesies into one load of clothes (Just Joking it was probably more like 100) but it felt like a ton more as I folded them.

I am doing pretty good. I have developed carpal tunnel in my right hand do to fluid build up, but Dr. says nothing to worry about it will go away after Katie arrives. I have also had a bit of trouble breathing the last week or so, but Dr. seems to think that is ok right now too. He checked my breathing closely this morning and suspects it is just that she is fighting with my diaphragm for space and she is winning some of the time. We will continue to watch it closely over the next few weeks though. He did check for dilation today, but said everything was normal and that she was still up by my tonsils, so no fear of anything happening this week. We will just keep cooking for a little while longer.

Well, she is telling me it is time to eat again so I better work on dinner. Thanks to all for your thoughts and prayers. We have a wonderful group of family and friends and really appreciate all of the support. We'll try to update you again next week.

Love, Daniel, Kelly, and Baby Katie

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