January 14, 2009 - Dr Appointment

Hi to all,

Just thought we would give you a quick update. We went to the Dr. Monday and everything seems to be running smoothly. Katie's heart rate was 150 today and some how I actually managed to lose 2 pounds. We go back in a few weeks for what I think will be our last ultrasound, but who knows with the amount that we have had through the course of the pregnancy.

I am now considered higher risk because we had so much trouble conceiving and because of my chronic hypertension so after our visit in 2 weeks we will be going back in once a week to be measured and monitored to make sure everything is continuing to progress normally. We are not worried though as we thought we would be high risk through the whole pregnancy so we were kind of prepared when the Dr said he wanted to monitor things closer as we get closer to Katie's arrival. We still expect to meet her around March 22nd.

Daddy got to really feel Katie move over the weekend. Not just her normal Karate kick to my belly button, but actually moving from one side of my belly to the other. I think it kind of freaked him out at first because he looked at me and told me she was like a whale. It is a pretty cool feeling and I am glad he was able to feel it. She has been very active and I am having trouble sleeping more because of her moving and stretching. I thought I would be use to it by now, but I guess since she is getting bigger there is less room for her to move so the feeling is more intense.

Well we have started on Katie's room. We cleaned out the office over the weekend to make room for the guest bed and will probably try to get that moved this next weekend. Our parents have been very generous and have bought all of the furniture for Katie's room. My parent's bought the bed and changer and D's mom got the mattress and Armoire for her. Thanks again to you all for helping us with this so she didn't have to come home to sleep in a shoe box or something. ;) I will try to put some pics on the blog once it is done, but you know how we are at our house. Sometimes it takes a while. We will have the bed for sure by the time she gets home, but all of the furniture is on order so we may not have all of the pieces by her due date.

We have several showers in the works too thanks to some wonderful people. My sister, Aunt Laci, has been working on a shower in February with two of my dearest friends, Leah and Dana, and a few special helpers that shall remain nameless since Dana and Leah both live out of town. And I just found out that I will be having one put on by our church in March. In addition, I got news yesterday that the girl's at my office are planning one too. I think Katie is going to be so spoiled! Thanks to all of those involved for being so generous with your time and for your support of our growing family. We feel truly blessed to be able to bring Katie into a world feeling with such wonderful people.

Well, we better say bye for now. It is breakfast time and Katie gets a bit cranky when we don't eat our oatmeal on time. See you all soon. Thanks again for being such a great support for our growing family.

Daniel, Kelly, and Kaitlyn

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